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Friday 25 April 2014


Blogging Tips To Earn Money

These blogging tips are key for you to earn money online. If you want to profit from your blog, there are certain steps you need to follow in order to jump start your venture.
Whether you are a seasoned blogger that has not made any money from their blog, or you are a newcomer that wants to know the tips and trick to creating a profitable blog, you will need to spend a little time changing the way you look at blogs. There is good news, though, because it is very easy to take this new track.
Most blogging tips you have read are probably aimed toward enjoying what you write. While this is definitely a key to success, it will not put a dime into your pocket. If you haven't realized that blogging can earn yourself some good money, now is the time to start getting serious about it.
To stat a successful blog, you first need to pick a subject, or a niche, that you are passionate about. You will be able to write blog after blog about a subject that you actually care about. Once you know what you want to blog about, then you can worry about how to make your money.
To get a better understanding of how to write, take a look at a few of the Big Guns. This will show you what style of writing works. While you are there, look to see how they are making their money. Some do it by using Google AdSense on heir blog and some promote affiliate products. They push affiliate products by different methods. Sometimes they will write an informative review about a specific product. Other times they will write a blog post and tell their readers that "Product A" can help them achieve what they just wrote about in the post.
There are dozens of ways to push products on your readers, but you must do it while sounding genuine, which means that you should try the product out for yourself before promoting it. By looking at what the profitable bloggers are doing, you will get a great understanding of how this works. Nothing is better than studying from people that it has worked for. It can be as simple as copying their ways at first, until you develop your own way of promoting.
The other way to profit from your blog is by having Google AdSense on your blog. I do not suggest that newcomers apply this method, so I will not talk about this is great detail. You can always dive into this area of profiting once you become an intermediate blogger.
You have to remember that readers buy from people that they like. If you come across as informative, personable, and willing to help, readers will be more than happy to take your advice about a certain product or service. These blogging tips are the beginning to your success. Keep it simple and straightforward. Study what is working for the long time bloggers and write about something you are passionate about. These are all simple blogging tips that can help your achieve your goal of being able to profit from your blog.

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Six (6) reasons you may need a blog

There are a lot of blogs around. So many abandoned, too. Like forgotten pages of journals tucked inside the stacks of newspapers in some musty library. I have enjoyed reading the updated ones, but I really love the new highly charged SEO sites. The ones with all the widgets and images and so forth.
So, why are blogs still up and running when everyone has camped at the social media monster sites? Didn't they get the memo? Blogging is supposed to be dead.
There are a host of reasons why blogs haven't coughed their last breath, at least in the circles of writers. Here are a few of the best ones I settled on as I contemplated this dilemma.
1. Writing Warm-up
For a writer, blogging counts as your word count. How many times have we decided to turn out 1000 words a day and can only muster the blog that day? It counts in my opinion. Everything we pen counts. So look at your blog as your writing warm-up.
2. Feedback
When we blog, we can get input from our subscribers. They leave comments and suggestions on what we need to do about whatever the blog topic was. I hope you will leave one for me today on this subject. I love comments and feedback.
3. Marketing ops
Today, the world wants content. Yes, and they want it in a variety of ways. We consume ebooks, and online videos, and listen to podcasts like maniacs. But we sure do get a lot of information that way!
4. Networking ops
Blogs are still the best way to connect with our group of friends and fans. As writers, we need outlets to find others with our particular bent. I follow a number of blogs and try to visit them once a week to say hi. Writers need to connect with others and blogs are great networking tools.
5. Availability
For our readers, blogs are a way to reach our audience. Readers can visit our blogs and learn all about what we are doing. They can also find out personal stuff like where we are going to go for dinner, who's babysitting our children, and what our pets look like.
6. Book Promotion
And finally, at least in my mind, is our blog is still our best way to promote our books. We can post excerpts, cover art, buy links, and talk endlessly about our books and stories on our blogs, because, well, they are OURS.
There are many other reasons, and some unique to writers specifically. Blogging's not dead, it's surely alive and living on the Internet.

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How to create your first blog 2

6. Blog content. The time has arrived -- your blog is ready to accept posts. What do you write about? You can post content rich articles of interest to your target market, comment on a current event, answer questions from your visitors, present a before and after case study outlining how your business helped someone, etc. Keep your eyes and ears open for information relevant to your audience. I use my blog to bring forth info that doesn't fit well into my newsletter format or something that arises between newsletter issues. I post my ezine content to my blog, as well.
7. Posting frequency. Blogs are just like gardens -- they need watering regularly and require some care and attention. For maximum effectiveness, you need to post several times a week to your blog. I try and post 4 times per week in my blog -- 2 posts are items I run across or comment upon as noteworthy in the moment, and the latter 2 are the contents of my ezine posted over 2 days. And, respond to reader's comments when they arrive -- blogs provide a great forum for ongoing discussions.
8. Blog traffic. In the same way that you publicize your website URL on everything that you do, you can similarly publicize your blog. Submitting your blogs to blog directories is another way to get traffic. A very comprehensive list of blog directories, RSS Top 55 has been compiled by Robin Good, Searching out blogs that appeal to your target market and making comments to those posts will also drive traffic to your blog. Another trick is to post your blog on social bookmarking sites like Reddit, Digg, StumbleUpon, and
9. Measure the results. Some blog programs, like Typepad, have built-in statistics so you can view details of your blog traffic. Some of the feed/updater programs have built-in statistics as well, or you can install a metrics program as an add-on to your blog. Review your statistics regularly to determine how much traffic your blog generates.
10. Rinse and repeat. Don't let the novelty of blogging wear off. Blogging is effective only if you continue your blogging efforts regularly over a long period of time. I know of several individuals who have gotten book deals from their blog and radio and TV interviews as well. Just think -- your blog might be your ticket to fame!
Every service business can benefit from blog technology. Few other marketing strategies provide the quick immediacy that blogging provides.
Copyright (c) 2007 Donna Gunter
Online Business Resource Queen (TM) and Online Business Coach Donna Gunter helps self-employed service professionals learn how to automate their businesses, leverage their expertise on the Internet, and get more clients online. To sign up for more FREE tips like these and claim your FREE gift, TurboCharge Your Online Marketing Toolkit, visit her site at
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Tuesday 15 April 2014

How to create your first blog 1

Blogging has opened website creation to almost everyone, as it takes very little know-how to get a blog up and running. In fact, many service business owners are using a blog platform as their primary website, with some of them creating static pages as you would find on a traditional website, while others are using the platform as a blog and are posting updates regularly.
There are several advantages to using blogs instead of ezines or traditional websites:
1. Search engines love blogs. The strategy that seems to be attractive to search engines today is regularly updated content. I can log-in to my blog at the beginning of a day and submit a post. Within 24 hours I'll get a notification from my Google alerts account that Google has indexed that post.
2. Content can be distributed quickly. If you instruct your visitors to subscribe to your blog via updating services like Bloglines or Feedblitz, they'll be notified within hours of any new posts on your blog.
3. Little web programming knowledge is required. Once your blog is set up, it's simply a matter of logging into your account, typing the info for you post, adding graphics or photos as needed, and publishing your post to your blog.
4. Reader feedback. Your readers can give you comments and feedback about your posts almost immediately after you log an entry. Blogs are a great way to engage your audience.
Are ezines and traditional websites dead? No, because people consume information differently. Some are auditory learners and prefer to hear the info (great audience for podcasting, an audio form of blogging), some prefer to receive updates as they are published (blog readers), while others like a stable, stationary medium to which they can refer when they're ready (readers who archive ezines or bookmark web pages).
How do you begin to blog? Here are 10 simple steps you can follow:
1. Blogging platform. The easiest way to get started is to use the free service found at or The ability to customize your blog is limited with the free services, so I urge my clients to subscribe to, which will host your blog for you on their servers, or purchase a hosting account where WordPress can be installed. The downloadable version of WordPress is located at and is free of charge if you need to install Wordpress yourself on your hosting account. I use Typepad for my blog, so many of my examples will relate exclusively to blogs hosted on that platform.
2. Name. What do you want to call your blog? Blog names tend to be attention-getting and off-beat. However, for service businesses, I encourage my clients to use keywords important to their business when naming their blog. You will also want to acquire the .com version of your blog's name or your blog's name with the word "blog" attach as your blog URL. After you have set up your blog, your blog provider can give you more info about how to map your domain to your blog. (Note: You don't want to simply forward your blog to your domain name, as that impacts the URLs of your individual blog pages).
3. Look and Layout. How many columns do you want to display? Do you want links to static pages? What colors do you want to use? How about a signup box for a free giveaway? Should you use one of the templates provided or have something custom designed? Do you want your blog archives displayed? Do you want to be the only author or do you want to permit others to make posts, as well? There are many questions you'll be asked in the startup phase about the look of your blog. A Typepad blog permits you to change your mind about your layout at a later date. The best way to determine the look of your blog is to look at the layout of other blogs and determine what appeals to you.
4. Widgets. There are a number of widgets, or add-on programs, that you can incorporate into your blog. Check your blog software's site for more info about what features you'd like add to your blog. At a minimum you'll want to give visitors a couple of ways in which they can receive blog updates through various updaters, or feeder services, as mentioned earlier.
5. Comments. The newest sp*am making its rounds online is comment sp*am. Don't these guys have anything better to do? Set your comments to moderated, which means that you have to approve any comments to your blog before the post goes live. You'll save yourself a great many headaches and time by choosing to moderate the comments.
Once you've gotten this far, you should have a basic blog established and are ready to begin to blog.